Hello Newgrounds! It is currently 2:17 AM while I am writing this. Just a small little info dump!
So, soon I'll be releasing a few tracks both here and other platforms. Which is great!
edit: OH and college has been a pain in the ass! Stay in school kids.
I'm sure you've seen the Touhou DnB Remix of Alice Margatroid's Theme. I made, (Which all of you should DEFINITELY check out! I made it with lots of love~) and the Late upload of the Your Reality DnB Remix as well.
Soon to release is a Future House Track! then Experimental Electro tracks and then... Complextro?
Be prepared for some niche(or not) music I'm dropping this year! :D
Thank you all for reading and Please sleep early.
Here's some Art for the recent Touhou Remix! ;)
again check out the remix, I promise it would be worth your time!